Amazing Wheatgrass Juice
Wheatgrass contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human health. It's a whole meal and complete protein with about 30 enzymes. It has up to 70% chlorophyll (which builds the blood). It's an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Wheatgrass cleanses the body (natural raw detoxer) and it eliminates body and breath odors. The natural value of wheatgrass juice is so high that many people don't feel the "cravings" that lead to overeating. It's great for the skin and first and second decree burns.
Did you know that all grasses are edible and that there are over 400 varieties?
Magic Goji Berries
Tibetan goji berries are extremely rich in anti-oxidants which help protect the cells in our bodies from diseases like cancer. They're also an excellent source of Vitamin C and soluble fiber. They have more amino acids than bee pollen, more beta carotene than carrots, more iron than spinach and 21 trace minerals. Goji Berries contain of 13% protein! It's been used to treat eye problems, skin rashes, allergies, insomnia, liver disease, diabetes, cervical cancer, to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It's a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial food.
Sexy Maca
Maca is a radish like fruit that grows in Peru. It's one of the top 5 super foods enjoyed by raw foodists. It's extraordinary rich in nutrients: 10% protein, 60% carbohydrate and full of fatty acids, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals trace.
Maca is famous for its amazing health benefits and used to boost, energy, strength, libido, sexual function and fertility in both men and women. It's a natural viagra with no side effects and it's said to relieve symptoms of menopause within days.
The Peruvian root works gradually, not instantly. You need to eat maca continually to receive the full benefits. For the best results look for organic raw maca powder.
Maca balances the body's systems: it'll raise low blood pressure and lower high blood pressure as needed. Maca boosts immunity and harmonizes the body's overall vitality.
Discover Bee Pollen
Bee pollen contain more than 96 different nutrients, including every single nutrient that you need to live. It's made up of 40% protein. It's a natural energizer, slows down the aging process, and lowers cholesterol levels.
This super food reliefs discomfort from PMS, prevents prostate problems, improves sperm count, boosts the immune system, and detoxifies your body. It alleviates allergies, improves endurance, strength and mental clarity. It promotes weight loss: the rate at which your body burns fat and it reduces cravings. It regulates your mood and helps control stress in your life.
Hemp Seed Secrets
Hemp is one of the purest, most complete plants on earth. It has the perfect balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health. This makes raw hemp seeds incredibly powerful against cancer. It might be the single best food to prevent it. It's a high quality, complete raw food protein and has a massive trace mineral content.
It's the only seed that doesn't need to be germinated before eating: it has no enzyme exhibitors. Therefore it's easy to absorb.
Heavenly Chocolate
Although controversial, many find raw chocolate a super food. It's rich in anti oxidants and magnesium. And as long as you're healthy and use is sensibly it's a super, tasty and healthy addition to your recipes.
The benefits of raw chocolate?
* It's a major source of magnesium. Therefore a great laxative, it releases PMS symptoms, it's good for the brain and heart.
* It's the number 1 anti-oxidant source. 30X as much as green tea and 10X that of blueberries.
* It does not contain caffeine.
* However, it does contain theobromine (a sister molecule of caffeine). This makes raw chocolate the best medicine against asthma.
* It contains serotonin and triple defense. Together they protect us from the damage of stress.
* Chocolate is the number one weight loss food. It's so nutrient dense. If you eat a few beans you feel fantastic and satisfied. You won't feel hungry and you can go for hours without food.
*credits to www.thebestrawfood.com